Smart Cities Infrastructure Development

"Smart Cities" concept is an initiative by the government to develop sustainable living options for all the citizens of the country. The main aim of Smart City development is to improve the quality of life of people through local area development using environment-friendly technologies which are super efficient/smart, and self sustaining. It aims to retrofit and transform existing locations such as slums into livable and planned dwellings. A Smart City integrates multiple information and communication technology (ICT) digital solutions in a secure way to manage a city's assets.

Smart City

Greenifyi's Smart Cities Infrastructure Development development initiative will allow cities to use technology, information and data to enhance their present infrastructure and services in a highly pre-planned & efficient way. While planning, we concentrate on basic elements such as adequate water, electricity, affordable housing, safety and security, good sanitation, efficient transport and proper education and robust health facilities.

We are open to Public Private Partnerships (PPP) and/or forming SPV (Special Purpose Vehicles) with you. Kindly get in touch with us for more.